Being a parent of a child in Key Stage 2, I would like to share with you all the wonderful experience that I witnessed at Tudor Grange Academy last Saturday. Our school choir (being the only child choir) together with other choirs took part in the 'Express Yourself Spring Show.’
The children, waiting for over an hour to perform, behaved impeccably. Then it was their time to shine and boy did they! They sang their little hearts out to a medley of songs. The harmonies were beautiful to listen to and dare I say it, they not only stole the show, they brought the roof down bringing more than a tear to my eyes.
I felt very proud of all the children who represented the school and would like to thank them together with Mrs Thorp and Miss Crawford who not only gave up their lunchtimes but also their weekend to enable our children the opportunity to take part in this wonderful event.
L. Norwood