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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Tuesday 19th January 2021

TT Rock Stars practise.

Practise your allocated times tables for 30 minutes.  Feel free to challenge Mrs Griffith and Mrs Tilley to a Rockslam!

Forest School - morning

This morning the children in school will be spending the morning at Forest school. 

For our good mental health and well-being it is important to spend time in the outdoors under the sky. 

At home we strongly encourage you to go outside today - you might go and play in the garden or, if an adult at home is able to take you, then we would love for you to go on a walk around the local area or just around your garden. 


We have included some ideas for a Nature Scavenger Hunt - it lists 50 things to collect on your walk! I wonder how many you can find. You might be able to find some items in your own garden if you can't go on a walk. 

Take pictures of what you find, or draw them, or just tick them off. 

There is also a link to a website with ideas for other scavenger hunts to do outside. 


A final idea would be to collect items from outside, or even around your house that spell out a specific word. E.g. collect items where each one starts with a letter to spell out the word 'LYPPARD GRANGE' or 'ICE PALACE!'


50 things to find on a Nature Walk

Alternative Scavenger Hunt


Today in maths we are going to continue to work with Money. 

Our aim today is to be able to convert pounds (£) to pence (p) and vice a versa.

Key fact: £1 = 100p

e.g. 134p = £1 and 34 pence.


Watch the video in the Video Resource Centre - (Maths - Money 2) remember to interact with it just as you would at school, pause where it asks you to and complete the tasks. 


Then complete the tasks. 



Theme - Poetry

This week we shall be looking at performance poetry.  Today we would like you to watch the video of Michael Rosen giving top tips on how to give a great performance when reading a poem. 

You should then watch the video of Michael performing his poem Chocolate Cake.  Can you spot him doing all the things he talked about in his top tips video? 

The final video to watch is a collection of poems:

You then need to choose a poem that you can perform.  You may want to choose one from the Poems Aloud book or you can choose one from your own books or you might even want to perform your own poem!  You should then annotate the poem of your choice, highlighting lines that you might whisper or words that you might stress.  You might want to add movements or facial expressions, make a note of all of these things so that tomorrow you can start to practice performing it.  The teaching notes below give you an example of how Mrs Tilley has annotated the poem she is going to recite.

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