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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.


VISION- Being a Scientist at Lyppard Grange Primary School

At Lyppard Grange Primary School we believe that children are born natural scientists, they have a curiosity about the world around them and a passion for exploration and discovery. We develop this curiosity through our use of high-quality science resources that enable children to investigate, explore, discover, question, analyse and draw conclusions. Children participate in hands-on investigative science where they can lead their own learning. Through this approach, children develop a broad knowledge of scientific facts, knowledge, and skills, which help them to understand the world around them. Aspects of our science curriculum are further enhanced by visits, visitors and after school clubs which help to bring the magic of science alive.



We live in an increasingly scientific and technological age where children need to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to prepare them for life in the 21st century.

Children are born scientists, having a natural curiosity about the world around them and a passion for exploration and discovery. We at Lyppard Grange Primary School believe that children should be provided with a science education rich in wonder and full of memorable experiences, where they can develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment of scientific learning and discovery and foster in them a respect for the environment.

Science inspires and motivates young minds to question and investigate the world around them, it instils a sense of intrigue and builds on the knowledge they already know and encourages them to question knowledge they will gain in the future.

The skills that are developed through enquiry and curiosity promotes the school vision of empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life. Children will learn that everyone is valued, and opinions are encouraged.



  • To provide children with a starting point to develop their scientific understanding and enquiry through encouraging intrigue in the world around them.
  • Develop their scientific skills through investigation, questioning, practical work, observation, prediction, interpretation, communication hypothesizing, using precise measures and ICT.
  • Provide cross curricular, thematic lessons with opportunities for indoor and outdoor learning, using key learning taken from the National Curriculum.
  • Clear progression of skills, knowledge, and vocabulary across the year groups
  • We provide children with curriculum enriching science workshops, visitors, visits, and science after school clubs often linked to STEM.
  • We encourage children to take an active role in their learning, offering suggestions and building enthusiasm and enjoyment of science.
  • The curriculum is designed to ensure that children are able to acquire key scientific knowledge through practical experiences, using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments, and explaining concepts confidently.
  • Enable children to develop skills of co-operation through working with others, developing positive social, emotional, and mental health in children.
  • Encourage children to collect evidence, question and evaluate outcomes.
  • Ensure children are aware of personal and group safety by correct usage of equipment.
  • Ensure children understand that we do not always know the answers and encourage them to be open minded and curious about the world around them.
  • Encourage communication using scientific language.
  • Encourage children to follow the school’s learning values of independence, teamwork, adaptability, curiosity, resilience, perseverance, and communication.



As a result of our robust, engaging, and challenging science curriculum, you would expect to see confident, enthusiastic children who talk confidently about their science learning.

children will have the opportunity to work independently, in pairs and in groups, developing their communication skills.

There will be evidence in their theme books of the science work that they have conducted and evidence of children using scientific vocabulary relevant to their year group.

They will be able to talk about the impact of science on the world around them and will demonstrate a passion and thirst for learning.


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