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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Tudor Times

Year 5/6 visited Tudor World in Stratford last Friday. It was a day packed with activity and facts. On their return the children have written letters to William Shakespeare - here are some extracts from their work.
“Dear Sir William Shakespeare,
I am writing to you about the fantastic trip around Stratford-on-Avon that our class went on on Friday 31st January. It was very informative to find out about where you grew up, what your father did for a living—he made gloves—and important buildings in your life...” Jordash
“Dear William Shakespeare,
I am writing to you regarding our school trip. On Friday 31st January my class and I were thankful to you for returning from the dead just for this special occasion... The highlights of my day were seeing my friend beheaded (I’m glad it wasn’t me!) and when you showed us where you lived in Stratford.” Neil
“My favourite experience, even though the weather was terrible, was your tour because it was so meaningful. The stories about your life were touching; how your son had died when you were gone and how you gave your daughters away. The stories were concise and detailed; some were even spine-chilling! It was amazing seeing where you grew up and where you went when you had gotten older. It was truly awesome and I would love to do it again...” Bekah

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