Adults |
Young People |
Social Networking sites and Instant Messaging sites are increasing their user numbers almost exponentially and now span generations of users as more people sign up and log on to keep in touch with friends and family around the world. Unfortunately many more primary school children are (often illegally) signing up to such sites (where legal age limits are usually 13) and if not properly supervised can open themselves up to online grooming, virus and spam attacks and other security risks for not only themselves, but also their families and friends. Online e-safety is taught in schools from Foundation Stage upwards, to educate and equip our young people in how to stay safe in the digital world within which they are the digital natives.
Text Speak - even the digital native language is different from that of the digital immigrants surrounding young people today. Text speak is becoming more and more prevalent ... and more and more obscure (to a digital immigrant!). Some examples of modern 'text speak' are in the table below. Have a look at to give it a go yourself and learn a 'new language' in Text Speak!
'Normal' text | Translated into 'Text Speak' |
"This is text speak. Does it make sense to you?" |
"DIS iz txt spk. duz it mAk senS 2 u?" |
"What school do you go to?" |
"wot skul do U go 2?" |
"Do you want to come round for tea tonight and then do homework together? We could then play on the wii later." |
"Do U wnt 2 cum round 4 T 2nt & thN do h/w 2geder? We c%d thN plA on d wii l8r." |
"Parent over shoulder" (warning to other person) |
"Parents are watching" (warning to other person) "Laugh out loud" (an expression to indicate you found something humorous - regularly mistaken in the digital IMMIGRANT population to mean "Lots of Love") |