Today we are going to begin learning about fractions. Your 9am session will focus on what fractions are and how we can represent them pictorially. It is vital that you attend this session. Following your lesson, watch the video below (What is a fraction?) and then complete the fractions activity. Use the fraction wall to help you with your task.
This week we are going to continue to look at our spelling words. Today you are going to choose the correct spelling to fill the missing gaps and a piece of writing.
Guided Reading
Today, there is a line by line video for you to watch in the Video Resource Centre. You need to watch the video and pause it at appropriate points to give you time to answer the questions.
Number Magic
You need to complete your relevant level for Number Magic. If you want to challenge yourself, try completing the next level instead.
Click the document below to discover what research we would like you to carry out.
Today we would like you to go for a walk. Whilst on this walk, you need to carry out some field work. This field work relates to you observing the different vehicles that you see on the road. You need to use the tally chart to record your findings and you could then put them into a bar chart. This is to help you focus on how the different vehicles move and how their wheels help with this.
Watch the video below and complete the letters that you have been show in your best handwriting.
Class Novel Reading
Click the link below to listen to Mr Mason reading our class novel, George's Secret Key to the Universe.