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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Wednesday 20th January 2021


Today we are going to think about adding different amounts of money together, just like when you go to the shops and you buy more than one item.


A great way to practise this skill is to set up your own shop - choose a number of items from around the house - put price tags on them then invite someone else in the house to visit your shop. They must choose two items and you both need to work out the total cost. You can then use money (real, pretend or paper coins) to work out  how you could pay for them. Repeat. 


Watch the video on the Video Resource Centre for today's lesson (Maths Money 3). Remember to pause and complete the tasks given. 


Then complete the tasks below.

Whole Class Reading

Today is day 2 of 'Reading for Understanding'.

We started to listen to Chapter 2 on Friday, lots of you wrote down some great questions which helped to move your understanding on further. 

Today you need to listen to Part 2 of Chapter 2, this available as a video. 

It is important that you listen carefully to the text and ask any questions that it makes you ask. They might be questions about vocabulary; what the character is doing; why they are doing it or about something that isn't clear to you. 

The answer might appear a little later on on the text, but ask the question anyway!

Number Magic

Theme - Poetry

Your task for today is to learn your chosen poem.  You should ideally be able to recite it (know it off by heart).  Use your annotations from yesterday to help you 'perform' your poem.  There isn't a poetry lesson tomorrow so if you have time you could continue practising tomorrow too because on Friday we are going to ask you to record yourself performing your chosen poem.


In this lesson you are going to put your knowledge of  spelling words with the prefix 're' to the test, by filling the correct spellings into the blanks in the sentences.  


Today we are going carry out a study of facial features. You need to collect lots of examples of eyes, noses and mouths. You could use a view finder to help you to focus upon one particular aspect.


This should take at least 1 hour! You will need the pencil shading skills that you should have practised over previous weeks. 


You will need to take your time - the idea isn't to rush this and scribble - we are in Year 3 after all! The idea is to try to create detailed sketches of different parts of a human face and to reproduce them as realistically as possible. It is also your chance to practise - so if one idea doesn't go well then try again. 


There is a page below which you could print out and then use it to help you collect some other examples of each feature. Cut bits out and collect them together on your page. then try to carefully recreate the things you have collected. You can see how this has been done on the example sketch book page below; this the example sketch book page also shows you the level of detail and the number of examples you could collect. 


There are also some links to 'How to ...'  videos below - these will show you how to draw some of the features. There are 100's of videos on Youtube to help you watch some others if that helps. 

Examples of Faces for the study

Examples of a sketch book page

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