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We are now taking bookings for parent tours for our September 2025 intake. Please email for further information. Thank you.

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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.


Timetable for the day

9am – Teams Meeting: Congrats, go through the day and a Funday Friday game!

There will be no follow up work from this.

Other tasks - you can do these at any time across the day

  • Number Magic- Day 5
  • Maths video and day 5 tasks
  • Bug Club Reading Task 2
  • PSHCE – Every emoji tells a story
  • PE
  • And of course, as it’s Friday, that means Golden Time! Try to find at least half an hour in your day to play a game, do some colouring, make something, spend time with family or do something which relaxes you and enjoy!
  • Also, the live Rocksteady session is running again. Click on the link below at 2pm to join live, or you can watch it back at any point after that too.


Number Magic

Here is your number magic for today. Remember to use the answers to self-mark.

Reading Follow Up

Today you need to continue reading the next pages of your Bug Club books as detailed on the task sheets and then complete the activity – your focus is on accurately retrieving factual information from the text


We know that the last year has been very different for everybody – some of us haven’t been in school as much as normal, we haven’t been able to see friends and family in the same way or go to all the places which we would like to have gone. What we would like you to do today is explore the journey you have been on over the last 12 months using emojis. All the details are on the task. Before you start – have a go at the Roald Dahl quiz below. Each set of emojis represents the title of a book he has written – see if you can work out what they are.


Below are today's Maths tasks. Click the link below and watch the video 'Decimals to Fractions' this will  guide you through converting decimals to fractions.

Spring Week 2 - Number: Decimals | White Rose Maths

Bronze 2 has been kept as a Word document so you can drag and drop to match your answers up correctly. 


Here is your PE lesson for today. Everything is explained for you in this document below.

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