Timetable for the day
9am – Teams Meeting: Set up the day ahead, introduce our new theme and explore a new text about a strange creature called an antonemy.
There will then be follow up work from this - Paragraph 2/3/4 Text Mapping
1.30pm – Teams Meeting: Theme - Evolution and Adaptation
There will then be follow up work from this - Charles Darwin Postcards
Other tasks - you can do these at any time across the day
Remember to pace yourself and do what you can. We loved seeing work from so many of you last week, so please do email in any work which you would like us to see – make sure you do this from your school email address or get your parents to do it. If you need help accessing your school email, let us know.
Number Magic-
Below is today's Number Magic. Remember, you can self-mark this before sending it to us.
We are starting a new book today called Moth: An evolution story. It is a picture so we have put a copy of it below for you to read. There is also a recording of Miss Taylor reading it, which you could listen to at the same time! As you are reading we would like you to complete the Know, Infer, Question grid (Reading Task Day 2). We will then go through the text in more detail together on Wednesday.
Theme 1
We are going to be exploring a text about a fictional creature, called the Arctic antemony, who has perfectly adapted to its environment. In our live lesson we will explore the text, clarify any unfamiliar language and then begin to map it out. Your task will be to continue mapping some of it out yourself. During the lesson we will tell you which paragraph we want you to focus on.
Theme 2
We are starting a new theme today, all about Evolution and Adaptation. We will do lots of discussion around this in our live lesson and below you will find links to some of the videos we will have watched in case you want to watch them again.
We are then asking you to write to Charles Darwin, who came up with the theory of evolution, to tell him what you have learned. There is a postcard template for you to use below.
Here is today's Maths tasks, we are continuing to look at decimals. Pace yourself and do what you can. The answers are attached for you to self-mark.
In our outdoor PE session we have moved onto basketball. Below are two links for you to look at. For your warm-up and cardio start with the Joe Wicks video. After that, watch the basketball dribbling skills video. Remember to do these physical activities sensibly and safely and to use appropriate substitute equipment if needed. Happy fitness!
PE With Joe 2021 | Monday 18th Jan - YouTube
PE - Basic Basketball Dribbling Skills for KS2 PE - YouTube