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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Year Three

Welcome to Year 3's Homework Hub 2023 - 24. 

You will find a dated folder below containing the homework for each week. 

Please check that you are completing the homework for the correct week!


We strive to provide homework that fits the learning that has already taken place in the classroom each week, so your child should be familiar with the calculation methods or any other knowledge or skills they might need.


Daily homework

Reading - 10 minutes.

Spelling - between 5 and 10 minutes practise.

Times table practise - between 5 and 10 minutes practise.


Weekly homework

TT Rockstars - at least 10 minutes practise.

(Tokens towards the class challenge are earned for this part of homework) 

Work on the KIRF for this term. 


Additional weekly homework 


In addition to the abovethe children are set an additional piece - this task should take between 30 and 40 minutes of focused application. It may be that this takes place over a few days rather than one session. 


What if my child is struggling? 


If your child is struggling with any aspect of their home work please encourage them to talk to us BEFORE the hand in date and we are more than happy to help them. 


I don't have a printer, can my child still complete the homework? 


We try to create homework that does not have to be printed and can be done from the screen, so we have provided a book to record any answers into. Please feel free to print if you find this makes things easier. Should you require a paper copy of any homework then please speak to your child's class teacher and we will sort this out for you. 


When is homework set and when does it need handing in? 


Homework is generally set each Friday and should be completed by the Wednesday following the Friday on which it was set. Homework  is marked and shared as a class on Friday.

Below is listed the Homework expectation for EVERY week. 

Please ensure your child engages with this on a weekly basis.


Beneath this weekly expectation you will find a link to the homework for each particular week. 



When  you go into Year 4 you will need to be able to recall ALL the times tables to help you be successful on the Government given 'Times table check up', so NOW is the time to start practising (if you haven't already done so).

Even more importantly, times tables are a very handy tool to have when tackling an awful lot of Maths both at school and out there in the real world!


Part of your homework is to learn the times table you have been given. You need to be able to recall it quickly (in under 5 seconds a question) and out of order. Whilst counting in twos, or whichever table you are working on, is a good skill it is not efficient enough to allow you to recall facts at speed. You will also need to be able to recall all the corresponding division facts, out of order in 1 minute and 30 seconds. An average score will be generated for your class and if your class have the highest score in school for that week then you earn tokens for the class. 


The second part of your homework is to log on to TT Rockstars and complete at least 10 minutes worth of challenges per day when you can.

The first ten minutes that you need to complete will be a Garage session - you will not be able to use any of the other games until you have completed this first 10 minutes, by completing this you will earn a token for your class - if you score over 95% accuracy you will earn an extra bonus token.  Aim to get them correct as well as recalling them quickly for maximum tokens! Your teacher will be keeping a close eye on your progress. The points from all your activities on TTRockstars will support your class to win the weekly battle - which could be against any class from Year 2 - Year 6!

This is really good practise for the Government check-up and may also help your class to win in the Battle of the Bands. Who will be the winners this week? 




KIRFS ( Key Instant Recall Facts)

Each half term we encourage the children to develop a set of Key Instant Recall facts for mathematics. 

This will support you child to calculate their mathematics more efficiently. We have included the parents guides and links to useful online games to support this learning. Please spend about 10 minutes regularly on these KIRFs. 


Great learners read!

A book can take you to places and on adventures that you can't experience in real life! So, the next part of your homework is to find a good book and  read EVERY day for at least 10 minutes where possible. We also need you to be able to talk to us in class about what you have read. 

If you are working through scheme readers then it is very important that you read your scheme book - the more you practise the better your reading will become. Please make sure you read to someone else and that any and all reading is recorded in your journal. 

If you are a 'Free Reader' you can read to someone or to yourself, it can be an actual book, a magazine, an online book (Bug Club) or on a Kindle or other electronic device. It can be a book from school, the library or from your own shelf. You can even have someone else read to you! Just make sure that whatever you read you write it in your journal with your own thoughts or comments.

All links below this message are Homework from last year (2022 - 23).

Please only use the pages above this message.

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