Good morning Year 2!! We are having a morning check-in session which is scheduled for 10:30am on Teams, I hope you can join us.
Please feel free to wear the outfit you had planned for our non-uniform day with the theme being 'Happiness'. Come to our morning session wearing something that makes you feel happy. That might be your favourite colour, your football kit or even your cosy pyjamas and slippers! I look forward to seeing what makes each of you happy.
Children in Need
Today's theme for our Five to Thrive is 'Give'. Here is the link to today's video for you to watch:
Remember to have a look at our school's totaliser too! You can see how much money we have raised for Children in Need so far and the lovely comments that children and families have been writing.
As it is Children in Need, I will attach some activities on here that you might like to do at home to relax and have fun.
For your reading task today, I would like you to complete a reading comprehension. It is all about Elephants. Can you remember we learnt last week that Elephants are the largest land mammal in the world? Read the text through carefully and then have a go at answering the questions. The answers will all be within the text so remember to go back to it when answering questions to check that you are right!
Once you have finished the questions, you can find the answers below.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning all about hedgehogs and other woodland animals. So today, I would like you to choose one of the animals from below and write some sentences to describe what you know about this animal. If you are feeling extra brave, you could even use google to research a little bit more about the animal. Use the lined paper I have attached below to draw a picture of your chosen animal and write your sentences on.
Remember: Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!
Today I would like you to carry on practicing adding 2-digit numbers together using a number line. Remember to partition the number you are adding on into tens and ones before you start your jumps on your number line.
In RE this week we are learning about the story of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights which is celebrated in November or December every year and lasts for eight days. The word 'Hanukkah' means 'Dedication' in Hebrew. It celebrates a miracle that happened in Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago. In 2020 Hanukkah begins on the evening of Thursday 10th December.
I have linked a PowerPoint Presentation and a video below which will tell you all about the story of Hanukkah.
I would like you to have a think about how we can learn from stories in sacred books. For your task, can you write two things that we can learn from the story of Hanukkah? I have also linked created a mini word mat of key words to help you with your task:
Today I would like you to start practicing spelling our Year 2 leaf words. Can you find all the tricky words in the word search below? If you would like to get in some extra practice, you could also play a game of Hangman with someone at home, just like we do in school. Pick a word from the list and count how many letters it has, draw a blank space to represent each letter, for example '_ _ _ _ _ _ _'. See if someone at home can guess letters in your chosen word, in order to reveal the word, without completing the Hangman picture!
Number Magic
As I know how much you love your Number Magic, I have included a Number Magic for you to complete today. Complete this just as you would at school, choose your questions, Bronze, Silver or Gold and work out the answers for each of the five questions. Make sure you use your bar models to help you, and if you have a ruler nearby, remember it makes the perfect number line!