You should read for a least 20 minutes every day. Please record your activity in your Reading Journal. Your Reading Journal and book should be in school every day.
Maths Challenge
You should practise your allocated times tables on TTRocks Stars. There will be a new battle starting today (Friday) that will end on Friday 17th June @ 8.30am. Let's show our teamwork skills by everyone taking part.
Homework - Maths
We have been learning about coordinates this week in class. For homework, you have a picture to create by plotting and then joining up coordinates. In light of the recent celebrations we have added a platinum task this week for those of you after an extra challenge. Remember when plotting coordinates, that the first number refers to the X axis and the second number to the Y axis. Along the corridor and up the stairs.
Music - Cornet Practise
Our cornet concert is on Tuesday 28th June. To ensure we give the best performance possible, you should practise the tunes that we will be playing. Mr Hattersley has added them to Charanga for you. Details of how to login to Charanga can be found below: