We have now finished our unit on fractions. Over the last few weeks, we have looked at comparing, ordering and simplifying fractions, as well as doing calculations with all four operations.
Your homework this week is first to complete the Fractions B quiz on
The second part of your homework is to show what you know about fractions - you need to produce something which shows an aspect of what you have learned over the last few weeks. You may make a poster to show how to multiply and divide fractions, or write a rap explaining how to simplify, or perhaps compose a poem all about equivalent fractions - the choice is yours!
Along with the 20-minute quiz, this homework should take you one hour. We look forward to seeing what you produce!
If you have been doing different maths work over the last two weeks on place value and number lines, then you have a quiz to do on Place Value on called Number and Place Value C. You then need to spend at least 20 minutes on TTRS too.
Reading and TTRS
As always, we expect you to be doing regular reading practice and love hearing about the new books you have discovered.
There is also a TTRS battle which you may choose to take part in, but this is in addition to the task above, not instead of!