Today we are going to continue to learn about fractions. Today we will use our knowledge of comparing and ordering fractions to complete reasoning and problem solving tasks.
Guided Reading
Today we are going to continue to read about Henry the VIII. Watch the video in the Video Resource Centre and answer the questions throughout.
Make sure you join us today at 9am where we will plan an informative explanation text about Henry VIII.
For PE today we would like you to complete the Joe Wicks PE session for today. Use the link below to access the video.
If you would prefer to do something else you could go for a walk, or do some other form of exercise.
Number Magic
Click the link below to access today's Number Magic and complete it at your relevant level.
We are looking at subordinate clauses today. Click the link below to find out what you need to do.
Watch and follow the video below for today's handwriting session.