Timetable for the day
No 9am meeting
11am – Teams Meeting: Maths Day 4 (30 minutes)
There will be follow up work from this - Maths Task Day 4 (20 minutes)
Other tasks - you can do these at any time across the day
Number Magic
Here is your number magic for today. Remember to use the answers to self-mark.
Theme 1 - Forest School Activity
Today, you are going to be making your own shelters using the designs and research you did yesterday. Wtach the input and then make your shelter. There is a sheet for you to record once you have done your testing.
Following on from our live lesson, here are your tasks for today.
Theme 2 - Battle of Britain Historical Source
Following on from your research on Tuesday, you are going to be producing your historical source all about the Battle of Britain. Watch the input and then create your page, making sure that you include all of the features below:
Explain what the Battle of Britain was (who was involved etc.),
Give some reasons why Britain won
At least one picture
A set of statistics (taken from the source documents)
At least one other piece of information you have learned, e.g. a fact box.
You have a Battle of Britain redaing comprehension to complete.
Today you have another Bug Club Activity to complete.
Bronze 2 - Exception Words
All other groups - Thesaurus Skills