As you will know, this week we have sent home some CGP books with you which will form the basis of your homework from now up until SATs. You will need to complete the tests within in them as detailed in the documents below. Remember not to worry if you come across a question you find tricky - we may not have covered that area yet, or you may just need a little guidance. Pop a circle around the question number and we will go through it when you bring the book back in.
As always, the homework week runs from Friday to Wednesday, so we expect you to bring any of the books you have been working in, into school every Wednesday. If you are finding it difficult to get this work done at home, please speak to us so we can support you with this.
In addition, there is a TTRS battle available to you every week if you wish to take part (it is very important to keep your times tables skills sharp) and we of course expect you to be reading daily. Homework should take you 1 hour each week, so please ensure you are spending an appropriate amount of time on it.