Today we would like you to think of a positive quote that you've heard or seen that makes you feel motivated and happy. You might want to write it in different colours and draw around it to put it somewhere that you can see it each day. You could also share it on your 9am meeting tomorrow. Here are some examples:
Miss Bratt: 'Better an oops than a what if!'
Mr Mason: 'Do the right thing...even when no one is looking.'
We will again be having a live session at 9am. This session will focus on persuasive devices and the features of this style of writing. It is really important that you attend this session as it will help you with your writing this week.
For Science today, we are looking at solids, liquids and gases. We have attached a document below that explains what you need to do and have also attached some links that will help you with this task.
Number Magic
You need to complete your relevant level for Number Magic. If you want to challenge yourself, try completing the next level instead.
Guided Reading
For Guided Reading today we have uploaded a session to the Video Resource Centre. This session is a line by line one and follows a similar style to the one yesterday. So make sure you have a pen and paper handy to record your answers.