Come to todays teams meeting in your savanna Dr Rose outfit!
Focus activity - Maths
For todays activity you will need the balancing scales you have made, 3 cuddly toys, 3 bags of food for the toys. On the Teams meeting your class teacher will be modelling todays weighing activity.
We will be comparing 3 bags of food to give each animal. Dr Rose has told us that the elephant needs the heaviest bag, the meerkat needs the lightest and the other bag is for the giraffe. Use your scales, toys and food to work out which animal is going to eat the heaviest, lightest and the other package of food. Remember to use vocabulary such as;
- heavy, light
- heaviest, lightest
- heavier, lighter
Dr Rose sent us a photo this morning. She's found a clue hidden in the sand about where the chalice is hidden. She doesn't know what it could be can you help?
Peg activity - writing
Find the notes you made about your animal yesterday. Today we are going to write your fact notes up in full sentences to make a fact file. Use your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. As a challenge see if you can include a question with a question mark in your writing.
Lolly activity - Maths
Using your balancing scales see if you can find:
- an object that is small but heavier than the large object
- a large object that is lighter than the small object
Try lots of different objects until you find the best ones that fit these rules. We can't wait to see the pictures of the objects you have found!
Focus activity - Phonics
During the morning briefing the children will flick through previously taught digraphs, trigraphs and tricky words.
Have a go at unscrambling the anagrams below.
Tricky word
We are going to have a go at practising some of our tricky words. We are going to give you a word a day to practise. Today your tricky word is should.
Choose one of the options, or anything you can find at home, and write the tricky word for today using that resource. See how many times you can write the word in a minute! Then choose 3 more resources and rewrite should using;