We hope you had a great weekend and managed to get some well earned rest, ready for another fun week of learning ahead!
Your challenge this week is to find out as much as you can about Asia through the tasks that we will be setting you. You can always complete extra research as well. Here are some links to an article and some videos to get you started.
Once you super stars have completed your research on Asia, you can fill in the next page of your passport! Remember to use your word mat to help you with your spelling.
Today we are starting a brand new book called ‘The Great Race’. It is the story of the Chinese New Year race.
First, listen to Miss Bevand read the story aloud. Make a note of any words that you don’t understand.
Once you have listened to the story, have a look at our words of the week. Are these some of the words that you didn’t understand. Have a read of the words and their meanings and read them in the example sentence from the text to check that you now understand them.
Finally, we would like you have a go at the activity. You need to use the text to help you place the animals into the order in which they finished the race. In the top box, draw the animal and in the box underneath note down the name of the animal and the position that they finished. See the example picture below. Keep this sheet safe as it will come in extremely handy for the writing that you’ll be doing this week.
This week we will be writing a retelling of the Chinese New Year race story. We’ll explain more about this tomorrow, but for now we would like you to generate some vocabulary that you can use to make your writing amazing.
For each of the animals, come up with a couple of words or phrases that you could use to describe them. If you’re up for a challenge, see if you can generate some alliteration and similes. We’re confident that you can all generate some fantastic adjectives. If you find yourself struggling, start by thinking about what the animal looks like or how they acted in the story.
Today’s maths lesson is all about making doubles. This means doubling a given number by adding it to itself. Remember that doubled numbers are always even, which means they always end in a 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8.
Below is a video of today’s maths input from our Teams meeting, in case you missed it or needed a reminder.
This week’s spelling focus will be words that have the ‘l’ sound at the end which is spelled ‘le’. ‘le’ is the most common spelling for this sound at the end of words.
This week we would like you to learn to spell these words.
Go onto the flipchart slides. First, have a look at the poem. Can you find the words that have the ‘l’ sound and the end spelled ‘le’? Then, for each word, look, say, cover, write and check it. Doing this will help you to spell the words.
Here is today’s Number Magic for you to complete. We have linked below a lovely warm up game for you to have a go at before you start your Number Magic task today. Remember to complete just one of the challenges, you don’t need to do all three!
Have a listen to our story at some point in your day. Go the the video resource centre to find it.
School website - children - Video Resource Centre - The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me - Part 6