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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.


Dear Year 2,

We have chosen a specific Bug Club Book for you to read each week. This week, the books are as follows:


Yellow – Beetle Cookies

Green – Silly Jack and the Beanstalk

Orange – Chase in New York

Turquoise – Cars, Cars, Cars

Purple – Pete’s Peculiar Pet Shop - The Wrong Jumper 

Gold – The Powerful Potion

White – The Adventures of Sinbad – Monkeys and Monsters

Lime – Mae in the Middle - Music Master


You should read the book on Bug Club, completing the bug tasks as you go along. Once you have completed the book, there is a follow up task for you to do. These can be found below.

Happy reading! J

There is also a reading comprehension task for you to complete. This week, it is based on what you have learnt about Antarctica in school. You should read the text carefully and use the information you have read to answer the questions. Bronze, silver and gold challenges can be found below. We have also uploaded answers so that you can have your work checked once you have completed it.

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