The winner of this week’s TTRockStars battle and therefore the times table champions is … Mrs Tilley’s class! Congratulations. Well done to all the children who took part in the tournament. It’s a great way to learn those times tables. We will set up a battle that will last the duration of the summer holidays so that you can keep practicing and playing with your friends.
Dear Year 2,
We have come to the end of our home learning journey. For the final week, we have set you tasks which we think you will enjoy. For reading, you’ll have to pick your favourite Whole Class Reading book from Year 2! Be prepared, it’ll be a hard decision! Mrs Tilley’s favourite was ‘The Bean Machine’ and Miss Bevand loves ‘How to Hide a Lion’. Your creative and writing tasks are linked. You’ll need to design a bee friendly garden and write a visitors’ guide for it. In Maths we are finishing our work on time. There’s lots to do! You’ll be busy bees!
To those of you who have not returned to school, we would like to wish you a very happy summer. We’ll see you in school in September. To those of you back at school, it’s been lovely to have spent the last two weeks together. We’re looking forward to our final week.
When you come into school on your last day, whether it is Tuesday or Friday, please bring a carrier bag with you to bring home work and books.
Mrs Tilley, Miss Bevand, Mrs Baldwin, Mrs Carrier and Miss Davis xx