Hi year 6,
This week you are all continuing with your assigned texts on Bug Club; the tasks tell you which pages to read.
As you will have seen from our weekly letter, Mrs Taylor has been the reading queen of lockdown and is now on to her 16th book - have any of you read more than that? We are really looking forward to hearing about your reading journey while you've been away from school.
Don't forget to keep checking any words you don't understand in your reading books, either by asking an adult or using a dictionary, particularly as a couple of groups have historical texts, with some old fashioned language in them. There are many excellent online versions, but we would recommend Collins CoBuild. (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english)
As always, you have a reading comprehension task to complete and this weeks have two different texts to choose from. In keeping with the environmental theme you can either read about Greta Thunberg or David Attenborough - the choice is yours.
1 star = bronze, 2 stars = silver and 3 stars = gold.
Happy reading!