Focus Activity - Creative
Dr Rose has sent us a few photographs of Antarctica, can you recreate the images using chalk, paint, material or colouring pencils?
Lolly Activity - Maths
The penguin is lost. Can you use your knowledge of counting in 2s to help her find her way home to Mummy and Daddy? Complete the bronze, silver or gold maze challenge.
Peg Activity - Writing
Write a fact file about the animal you chose yesterday. We have put a fact file sheet you could use here, but you could make up your own if you prefer. It would be great to see lots of sentences about your animal using full stops, capital letters, finger spaces, conjunctions and adjectives.
Focus Activity - Phonics
During the morning briefing the children will flick through previously taught phonemes. Recap the two graphemes used (ow and ou) when writing the 'ow' sound, use the letter strip to support if needed. Using the 'Does it look right?' strategy fill in the missing words and allow your child to tick which spelling looks right to them.
Challenge - put the words into a silly sentence. For example, The cloud frowned at the house.
SPaG Mat 4
Choose a Bronze, Silver or Gold challenge.