After half term, we will be starting our new and exciting theme ‘Kazam’s Quest’. As part of our theme, Year 2 will be putting on a circus themed performance towards the end of term. In preparation for this, we will be holding an informal audition in the afternoon of Thursday 11th April. We would love it if over the Easter holidays, you could help prepare a small audition piece for your child to perform. This could be singing a song from a musical; learning and performing a poem; performing a dance routine or any other creative ideas. Ideally, the audition piece should be linked to the role that they would like to have in the play e.g. performing a dance if they want to be a dancer. There is no obligation to audition if your child would rather not have a particular role in the play. We cannot guarantee all children will have speaking parts even if they do audition however we will do our best to accommodate roles based on performances and interests. All children will be performing in the play in some capacity.