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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Week Three

Hello Year 1,


We hope you had a lovely Easter with lots of chocolate! Just to let you know, our tadpoles are alive and well and living at Mrs Grindrod’s house. We have put a video of them on our twitter feed and will continue to update you on how they are growing. You can follow us on twitter @lyppardY1. If you want to, you can get your parents to tweet us - we would love to see what you’ve been getting up to!


There are of lots of different activities for you to do this week. You don't have to do everything, we want you to have fun and do as much as you can.


We miss you so much,


Mrs Grindrod, Miss Tinley, Ms James, Mr Miles, Mrs Davies, Miss Jones and Miss Davis x





We have allocated you two books for this week. Remember to click on the bugs in the book and answer the questions.



For your written task this week, we would like you to write about your favourite tv show. You could write all about your favourite episode. What do you like about it? Who is in it? What happens? Is it funny, scary, sad? What is the best part?


Please make sure you use the conjuctions 'and' and 'because' in your writing.  

Challenge - Below is a conjuctions word mat, see if you can use one of the other conjuctions on the mat.


Remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Make sure you keep your writing sitting on the line and your letters are correctly formed. 



This week we would like you to recap the 'igh' sound.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5



In the Autumn term we taught children about three dimensional and two dimensional shapes. Your child should be able to name simple 3-D shapes: cuboids (including cubes), cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres. They should be able to point out the 2-D shapes they can see on the faces of the 3-D shapes.


The pdf document below has links to videos to watch, ideas and activities you can do to help your child with their understanding of 3-D and 2-D shape.

Towards the end of the week when your child has explored some of the activities for 2-D and 3-D shapes they can have a go at the following shape challenge worksheet.

Daily Maths



Here is an Education City maths game for you to play each day. If you want an extra challenge, each game also has an activity sheet that you can download to do.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

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