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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Friday 15th January

Happy Friday everyone!


Live lessons to get involved with today!

Today there are some live lessons that you may wish to watch and join in with. You don’t have to do these but we encourage you to get involved if you can because we know a lot of you will really enjoy them!



Rocksteady (who do music lessons at school) are teaching live ‘Feel Good Friday’ lessons every Friday. This lesson will run from 1:30 – 2:00pm. Follow the link to join the lesson. 

Paignton Zoo are teaching a live lesson on Microsoft Teams today at 11am. Today it is all about habitats so we thought it might interest you because we learnt a lot about habitats in our last theme! It is aimed at KS2 pupils (Year 3-6) but we think you’ll all cope just fine!


Here is the link to the website which has more information and a link to follow to join the live lesson.


Today we are learning about arrays. Arrays are a way of representing multiplication pictorially.

Have a watch of our input video if you need a reminder.


Still image for this video


Today we have an activity for you to complete based on the story of ‘George and the Dragon’ that we have been reading. The task is all to do with how different characters feel at key points during the story. Each task contains an explanation about what you have to do.


Your P.E. lesson for today is a 'Real P.E.' lesson, which is the scheme we use at school.

Below, you will find the Year 2 log in details for the Real P.E. website. We would like you to log on and select the 'Pirate' Theme today. See the video below for help with logging in and finding the Pirate theme.

Real PE Tutorial

Still image for this video


Today we are going to finish off our Computing task.

Hopefully you've had a chance to draw your pictures for the story 'George and the Dragon' and written your text underneath the pictures to tell the story (don't worry if you haven't finished yet, take as long as you would like with it). Today we are going to show you how to add animation and voice to your stories.

Hopefully you worked out how to save your work yesterday and you are able to access it again when you go back onto Purple Mash. If you have forgotten how to find the application. Refer back to the tutorial in the 'Video Resource Centre'.

Below I have attached another tutorial which shows you how to add animation and voice to your story.

I hope you have as much fun making your stories as I did making mine!

How to add animation and sound to your stories

Still image for this video

Number Magic

Here is today’s Number Magic for you to complete. We have linked below a lovely warm up game for you to have a go at before you start your Number Magic task today. Remember to complete just one of the challenges, you don’t need to do all three!


Have a listen to our story at some point in your day. Go the the video resource centre to find it. 


School website - children - Video Resource Centre - The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me - Part 5

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