This week, Year 5 spent a day rowing up and downstream on the River Severn! They showed lots of the Lyppard Learning values - courage, resilience, communication and teamwork - and most importantly, had great fun.
Reading: Children should read for at least 20 minutes every day. This week is the last chance to read any of the books on the Year 5 reading spine, as on Friday 12th July we ask that all school books are returned, so that we can do an audit of the library. Reading activity should be recorded in reading journals and both books and journals should be brought into school every day.
Maths Challenge: Children should be practising their allocated times tables on TTRock Stars by completing 10 minutes on garage. Well done to both classes on winning their battles this week!
Maths homework: Children have been learning how to convert between metric and imperial units of measure. For homework this week children should complete one of the challenges below:
Homework should be handed in by Wednesday 10th July. This is your last homework for Year 5!