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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.



Drama at Lyppard Grange Primary School is a crucial element of our school curriculum. We believe all children should have access to an Arts rich curriculum, allowing them to have a wide range of opportunities to support confidence, collaboration, and communication skills. With this, supporting further development in their learning within numerous aspects of our school curriculum. All year groups have the chance to perform in front of others, from nativities to harvest festivals, theatrical performances and showcases. Our school is committed to creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive learning environment where all pupils can explore drama in a variety of ways and express themselves freely.



At Lyppard Grange Primary School, our intent for Drama is to nurture all children into becoming confident, creative and knowledgeable artists. We endeavour to create a safe and engaging learning environment for all children to discover and value the world of Drama.


English National Curriculum Links -

All pupils should be enabled to participate in and gain knowledge, skills and understanding associated with the artistic practice of drama. Pupils should be able to adopt, create and sustain a range of roles, responding appropriately to others in role. They should have opportunities to improvise, devise and script drama for one another and a range of audiences, as well as to rehearse, refine, share and respond thoughtfully to drama and theatre performances.


Key Stage 1

  • Use role-play and other drama techniques to help pupils identify and explore characters. In these ways, they extend their understanding of what they read and have opportunities to try out the language they have listened to.


Key Stage 2

  • Pupils should become more familiar with and confident in using language in a greater variety of situations, for a variety of audiences and purposes, including through drama, formal presentations and debate.


  • Reading, re-reading, and rehearsing poems and plays for presentation and performance to give pupils opportunities to discuss language, including vocabulary, extending their interest in the meaning and origin of words.


  • Pupils should be encouraged to use drama approaches to understand how to perform plays and poems to support their understanding of the meaning.



Drama is implemented through many areas of our school curriculum including History, English, RE and PSHCE. Our aim is to create a learning environment where all pupils feel confident within any lesson to stand up and use drama skills and techniques to further support their learning. With this, also showcasing their knowledge and understanding of Drama that they have developed throughout their time so far at Lyppard Grange Primary School. Our Drama progression of skills document ensures that all children are building on their skills and consolidating their prior knowledge each academic year. The document comes with a wide range of terminology, techniques, and opportunities that the children will be exposed to in each year group. From EYFS to Year 6, all children are given the opportunity to either participate in and/or watch performances and showcases. We also offer after-school performing arts clubs including a KS1 Drama club and KS1/KS2 Dance clubs. 



By the end of each child’s time at Lyppard Grange, they will all have participated in Drama performances, went to a live theatre performance, and secured a bank of Drama techniques and skills. Children will have gained a clear enjoyment and confidence in Drama that they will be able to apply to many areas of life, in and out of school. Furthermore, influencing and strengthening their self-belief, resilience, and optimism in preparation for secondary school and beyond.

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