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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Wednesday 27th January

Today is Wednesday! 

Have a fantastic day!


Today we are going to learn how to solve division calculations using a number line. We went over how to do this in the Teams meeting, but if you need a reminder, watch the video below.

Solving division using a number line

Still image for this video

Once you are ready, move onto your task. We have put bronze, silver and gold calculations onto the task. You need to pick 5 calculations to solve using a number line. You may mix and match the colour calculations that you do depending on how you are getting on. Remember to challenge yourself.


Today is our last day focussing on ‘The Ugly Five’ for our reading lessons, so for the task you are going to write about what effect the book had on you. Have a look at the tasks below, which all explain what to do in more detail.


Today is P.E day! laugh Your P.E. lesson for today is a 'Real P.E.' lesson, which is the scheme we use at school.

Below, you will find the Year 2 log in details for the Real P.E. website. We would like you to log on and select the 'Tightrope' Theme today. See the video below for help with logging in and finding the Tightrope theme.


How to access today's P.E lesson

Still image for this video


Today we would like you to do some art! We are going to focus on a style of African art called ‘Tinga TInga’. First, read the slides below that will tell you a little bit about this style of art and will show you some pictures too!


We would like you have a go at creating some of your own Tinga Tinga inspired art. Choose you animal/animals to focus on from this list:

  • Giraffe
  • Elephant
  • Zebra
  • Rhino
  • Buffalo
  • Lion
  • Leopard


Either draw your own outline of the animal or download ours to use. You should then decorate your animal using patterns and bright colours. Spots are very popular in tinga tinga art! It is up to you which art supplies you choose to create your masterpiece. Use whatever you have at home, whether that be paints, colouring pens, pencils or even tissue paper. Just enjoy getting creative.


You could then choose frame your art work by creating a boarder based on traditional African patterns.


Have fun! We can’t wait to see what you create!


Today we are going to begin planning our African Safari leaflets. We will discuss today's task in more detail during our Teams meeting today. 

For your leaflet, we would like you to choose three of your favourite African animals and research some interesting facts about them. This will really help to interest the reader of your leaflet. Below we have linked some facts about a few of the safari animals. You are welcome to use these for your animal research or you may wish to do some of your own research, it is up to you. Use the planning sheet below to record your interesting facts of your chosen animals.


We would also like you to really think about how you would include all of the features that we discussed on Monday. 

What inviting vocabulary will you use to describe the safari and it's animals?
What enticing questions will you ask the reader?

What fantastic alliteration and exaggeration can you come up with?


Below we have linked some videos and websites of some safaris in Africa, to help inspire you.

Safari Animals Fact Sheets

African Safari Word Mat

Writing Task - Planning for African Safari Leaflet


We hope you enjoyed listening to Chapter 1 of Toto the Ninja Cat! Today we are starting Chapter 2. Go to the Video Resource Centre to find the video: Toto the Ninja Cat - Part 3.

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