Homework due Wednesday 19th October.
In Year 4 you will need to be able to recall ALL the times tables to help you be successful on the Government given 'Times table check up', so NOW is the time to start practising (if you haven't already done so).
Even more importantly, times tables are a very handy tool to have when tackling an awful lot of maths both at school and out there in the real world!
Part of your homework is to learn the times table you have been given. you need to be able to recall it quickly (in under 5 seconds a question) and out of order. Whilst counting in twos, or whichever table you are working on, is a good skill it is not efficient enough to allow you to recall facts at speed.
The second part of your homework is to log on to TT Rockstars and complete at least 10 minutes worth of challenges per day when you can. This is really good practise for the Government check-up and may also help your class to win in the Battle of the Bands.
Congratulations go to 3HBr this week who have managed to beat 3SG for the first time this term. Who will be the last winners of this half term?
Great learners read.
A book can take you to places and on adventures that you can't experience in real life! So, the next part of your homework is to read EVERY day where possible.
You can read to someone or to yourself, it can be an actual book, a magazine, an online book (Bug Club) or on a kindle or other electronic device. It can be a book from school, the library or from your own shelf. You can even have someone else read to you! Just make sure that whatever you read you write it in your journal with your own thoughts or comments.
Maths Homework
This week we have been learning all about Place Value and adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100 from 3 digit numbers. Use the sheet below to practise this skill. You could print it off, but you could also just write the numbers into your book and fill in the missing numbers.
Extra Challenge - Create some 3-digit numbers of your own and then add and subtract 1, 10 and 100 from them e.g.my number is 345
345 + 1 = 346
345 - 1 = 344
345 + 10 = 355
345 - 10 = 335
345 + 100 = 445
345 - 100 = 245