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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.


VISION -Being a Mathametician at Lyppard Grange Primary School

We want all children to have a positive attitude toward mathematics. We therefore aspire to a set of principles and a belief that all pupils are capable of understanding and doing mathematics.



At Lyppard Grange we intend our mathematics curriculum to develop strong, confident mathematicians. We want children to not just be able to memorise key facts and procedures but to know and be able to explain ‘why’ (and ‘why not’) within the context of their mathematics and to be able to use knowledge and skills appropriately, flexibly and creatively so they can apply it in new and unfamiliar situations both inside the classroom and in the world beyond. We aim to develop a positive, ‘can do’ attitude in all our learners and for children to develop a love of Maths.


The use of CPA (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract) to support all mathematicians is at the heart of the way that we teach, as it allows all learners to explain, extend and deepen their understanding.


The progression of knowledge that we teach in Early Years is taken from the from Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework and in Year 1 to Year 6 it is taken from the National Curriculum.



We base our curriculum delivery around a small steps approach, which seeks to develop of key foundations and building blocks and helps the children to make rich connections between mathematical concepts. This small step planning follows the long-, medium- and short-term planning found within, but not exclusive to, White Rose Education.


Mathematics provision at Lyppard Grange uses the principles set out within a Mastery Approach and aims, as far as possible, to use practices that keep the class working together on the same theme, so that all pupils master it and some gain greater depth of proficiency and understanding. A typical lesson from within Years 1 – 6 follows the structure outlined below.



Teachers are asked to consider key questions, misconceptions and mathematical vocabulary at the point of planning to ensure that children’s mathematical thinking is supported and extended. In addition, sentence stems are used to support ‘Maths talk’ and to enable children to be able to clearly articulate their understanding. Both teachers and teaching assistants continually assess learning, so that they are able to effectively challenge those who may grasp a concept more quickly and also to support those who find the concept more difficult to grasp.


In addition to the Mastery Maths session, children take part in regular fluency sessions which are designed to reinforce and provide regular practice in the basic skills and calculation methods. In some year groups these may also involve immediate and/or planned intervention to address misconceptions and ensure that children are able to keep up. In EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2, these fluency sessions are delivered in the form of the ‘Mastering Number’ program, (2024). In Key Stage 2, fluency is developed through Number Magic sessions, which are tailored to suit the needs of the year group, but tend to centre around written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions.



The impact of the curriculum is measured using teacher judgement, which is evidenced in the first instance by the work that the children produce within the session – this might be spoken, built, drawn or written. This will then be supported by summative assessments made against the objectives related to the appropriate year group. This evidence is monitored by leaders through lesson observations, learning walks, planning trawls, book looks and pupil conferencing.


A further measure of the success of the curriculum will be when looking at how well the children can talk about and apply their skills and knowledge when identifying misconceptions and if they are able to show a deeper understanding through problem-solving and reasoning.


The most important measure of impact will be measured through the children’s engagement in lessons, their positive attitude toward it and their overall enthusiasm and enjoyment of Mathematics.


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