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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Wednesday 20th January

Good morning everyone! 

Have a look at this famous quote. What do you think it means?


Today we are doing some more line by line. First, have a listen to Miss Bevand reading part one of the ‘Rama and Sita’ story. Then work through the line by line video, answering the questions as you go. There is no written activity for today.

Rama and Sita - Part 1 - Read Aloud

Still image for this video

Rama and Sita - Part 1 - Line by Line

Still image for this video


Yesterday you created a story map for the first part of the ‘Great Race’ story. Don’t worry if you haven’t finished this yet – take your time!


Today we would like you to begin your writing. Use your story map and actions to help you remember the story. As you are thinking of your sentences, remember to use your vocabulary sheets and other ideas to improve your work. Write up to the end of part 1 but please don’t worry if you don’t get that far. Quality over quantity! We have uploaded your success criteria for you to use. Make sure you have it to hand whilst writing and tick off the features as you include them.


To find the video, go to the video resource centre:

School website - Children - Video Resource Centre - Year 2 - Chinese New Year Race Writing


Your P.E. lesson for today is a 'Real P.E.' lesson, which is the scheme we use at school.

Below, you will find the Year 2 log in details for the Real P.E. website. We would like you to log on and select the 'Jungle' Theme today. See the video below for help with logging in and finding the Jungle theme.

Real PE Login

Still image for this video


By the end of Year 2, you should be aiming to have an instant recall of your 2, 5 and 10 times table. This means being able to quickly answer times table questions without hesitation. To achieve this goal, we need to do lots of practising. 

Today we are going to practise our 5 times table through lots of games.

Below we have included a 5 times table fortune teller for you to cut out, make and use to practise your 5 times table with. The instructions for how to make the fortune teller are on the activity sheet. 

We have also linked up a game below that you can play so that you can continue to practise.


Today we are going to have a go at creating our very own Zodiac Wheels! How exciting!laugh

What is a Zodiac Wheel?

As we have learnt from our story 'The Great Race', in China, each year is named after the first 12 animals that finished the race. A Zodiac Wheel displays all 12 animals. The wheel moves clockwise (the same direction as a clock moves) displaying which animal's year it is. The wheel moves round each animal year by year and restarts once it has completed a whole circle and reaches the final animal (the pig). 



You can use the template below, or create your own, to design your very own Zodiac Wheel. Use the story we read on Monday ‘The Great Race’ and the example attached on the website to help you complete it with the correct animals. You can use your Zodiac to help you figure out which animal’s year it was when you were born.

We have also included some links to a few videos all about the Chinese New Year from the Cbeebies website, which you may enjoy watching. 



Have a listen to our story at some point in your day. Go the the video resource centre to find it. 


School website - children - Video Resource Centre - The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me - Part 8.

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