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We are now taking bookings for parent tours for our September 2025 intake. Please email for further information. Thank you.

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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.


Timetable for the day

11.15am – Teams Meeting:  Input on writing in role as Charles Darwin.

There will be follow up work from this – Darwin's journal - success criteria.

Other tasks - you can do these at any time across the day

  • Number Magic- Day 4
  • Maths Infographic
  • Bug Club Reading Task 1
  • Activity planned by Miss Goss linked to what the other children are doing at Forest School


Number Magic

Here is your number magic for today. Remember to use the answers to self-mark.


You have all been assigned a new non-fiction text on Bug Club. You need to read up to the page specified in the task and then answer the comprehension questions. 

Gold - Reptiles

Silver - Reptiles

Bronze 1 - Creatures in Danger

Bronze 2 - Birds


Charles Darwin kept journals as he journeyed around the world, to keep a record of everything he observed. Today we are going to be writing in role as Darwin, imagining he has just encountered your animal for the first time. Following our live lesson, where will model how to do this, you should be clear how to tackle this task. We have provided success criteria to help you understand how to make your writing successful. 


Here is today's practical Maths task. The instructions are in the document below.


Forest School Linked Activity-

Miss Goss has set you an activity which will help the children at forest school stay safe.

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