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We are now taking bookings for parent tours for our September 2025 intake. Please email for further information. Thank you.

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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.


Timetable for the day

 9am – Teams Meeting: Theme input

There will will then be follow up work from this - Companies for research document

11am – Teams Meeting:  Reading Input

The follow up work for this session will be an independent task on Wednesday

Other tasks - you can do these at any time across the day

  • Number Magic- Day 2
  • SPAG Day 2
  • Maths Day 2
  • The next part of your environmental project

Remember to pace yourself and do what you can. Please email in any work which you would like us to see – make sure you do this from your school email address or get your parents to do it.

Number Magic 

Here is your number magic for today.


All of the answers are included so you can check your own work. Once you have marked it yourself, you can send it in to us if you wish, particularly if there is something you want some help with, but other we are happy for you to self-mark.


Here is your maths task for today. We are continuing to look at calculating the area of triangles. You may find it helpful to watch the video before you tackle the task.

Area of triangles:

You will find the answers on the same document so you can self-mark.


There are two theme sessions for you today. The first theme session will be introduced at 9am on our video call. The document below has a list of companies and also useful links, these should help you with your research. The second session - you can do this at any time throughout the day- we would like you to continue planning/creating your 'Future We Want' campaigns. Remember, you can send us anything you would like us to look at.



Here is the SPAG activity for today. Remember, you can send us anything you would like us to look at.

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