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Hello Year 2,


Welcome to Week 7 Maths! Here is your number magic and this week’s practical activity. Happy calculating!

This week, we will be recapping the work that we did in school on money. We have again included some links to useful videos and games which will support your learning. Remember to use these as much or as little you need to.


Parents/carers: Please be aware that in Year 2, children do not yet use a decimal point when writing a total in pounds and pence. £4.62 should be written £4 and 62p.


Days 1 & 2

Over the first two days, your tasks are all to do with counting money. This is a really important skill, and you should be able to recognise coins and notes and count in pounds and pence. Hopefully you should all be able to name the different coins and explain what colour and shape they are. If you need a little reminder, there is a Twinkl word mat attached to help you. Remember that there is no 3p coin! 


It is always useful to use physical coins whilst learning about money. If your adults have any spare coins in the house, ask politely whether you can borrow them. (Just make sure you give them back!) Or if not, why not get creative and make your own out of cardboard? This BBC Bitesize lesson includes a useful video about recognising coins and also gives you tips about making your own play money.


This game might be useful if you are not yet confident with recognising coins. Choose ‘Sorting’ or ‘Ordering’ to play.

Days 3 and 4

Day 3 and 4's tasks are all about selecting the correct money to make a total and making totals in different ways. Remember that only certain coins and notes exist, so although you may be able to make a number in one way, you may not be able to make it in the same way using money.


Have a look at this BBC Bitesize lesson for another video and some extra activities. 


Games for you to try: 

Penny Sweets – Education City


Show Me the Money – Education City


Squids In – Education City

Day 5

Today’s tasks are all about comparing amounts of money. You will need to compare different totals of money and use this to solve problems. You will also have to use < > and = symbols to compare different amounts.

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