The children who were in school last week changed their books as normal, bringing home the new books they have read with an adult during the course of the week.
For children not in school last week, we have allocated 2 books on Bug Club at the appropriate level for your child to read and answer the questions to the quizzes. These were allocated on Sunday afternoon. We will ensure all children (not attending school) have the minimum books allocated to them as of Sunday afternoons each week. Please see instructions for how to login to Bug Club in Reading journals.
For additional books please use this link for online books. You can find books appropriate to the coloured level they are currently on- lilac, pink, red etc.
Monday 11th January
Focus activity- Writing
We have sent Dr Kit and Dr Beth your pictures you have made of the new species of Dinosaur. We have put some of them on here so you can see some of the other ideas your friends have had.
Can you find use your picture and describe it? Dr Kit and Dr Beth would like you to write a description of your dinosaur remembering your capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, tricky words and making sure all of your letters are formed correctly.
Challenge – use a conjunction (such as 'and') in your sentence or write 2 sentences with different conjunctions.
You could then write about a friends dinosaur from the pictures.
Here is a video showing parents how to do the writing process at home;
The phonics strips and tricky word mats the children have in front of them whenever they do writing can be found on the Reception home learning section here;
We use lollipop sticks in school to support with remembering finger spaces and having a consistent space between words but anything you have at home will work just as well.
Focus activity- Phonics Activity
In the morning briefing the children will flick through the sounds already taught including tricky words and then be introduced to the sound 'ch' and the action that goes with it. They will be shown how to form it, articulate the sound and the Jolly phonics story that goes with it. Please login to Education City and play the 'ch' game. See instructions on Reception Home Learning page to find out how to login to Education City.
There are lots of games you can play with these sounds and sounds taught already such as pairs games, hangman, writing on ground grass, sky boards, magnetic letters, eye spy etc.
More games can be found at
and on Espresso which you can login to through the SIMS ID login. Espresso has word and sentence building games as well as some useful videos of how to make the sound. Click on Foundation, then Literacy, Phonics, Scrap’s phonics. Please let the children use the activities found on the right hand side for sounds already taught.
Tuesday 12th January
Focus activity- P.E
Dr Beth and Dr Kit must stay healthy and fit to be palaeontologists.
They would like you to try this yoga to keep you flexible.
Follow the link below and it will take you to Cosmic Kids yoga; Tiny the t-rex yoga adventure.
We would love to see photos of you practising your stretches.
Focus activity- Creative
Today we would like you to make a dinosaur using junk modelling. You could ask a grown up to help you find some recycled materials to make your model. Your model can be of your favourite dinosaur or the new species of dinosaur that is inside the egg. Think carefully about the features of your dinosaur when you are selecting the materials that you need. Think about what you could use to attach pieces together. Remember to get a grown up to help you if you need to use scissors. Below are some examples of junk model dinosaurs to give you some ideas.
Focus activity- Phonics Activity
In the morning briefing the children will flick through the sounds already taught including tricky words. We will continue to work on the 'ch' sound today. Please match the word to the picture using the PDF below.
Please play this game and complete the attached worksheet in additional activities section activities.
Wednesday 13th January
Focus activity- Outdoor
Today we would be going to Forest School.
Dr Beth and Dr Kit would like you to go into your garden or on a walk with your grown up and collect some sticks. Collect a variety of different sizes and lengths: some as fat as your thumb and as long from your tallest finger to your elbow and some as thin as your little finger and as short as your hand. When you have gathered all your sticks lay them out on a newspaper so you can see all the different sizes. Have a look at the dinosaur you created last week, what do you think the skeleton would look like? A skeleton is the bones that support the body of something living. We have a skeleton, so we don’t just flop around like a jellyfish!
Using your sticks, see if you can make the skeleton of your dinosaur. Remember if your dinosaur has a long neck then the skeleton will have a lot of bones or long bones too. Don’t forget to check if your dinosaur has wings or flippers, a long tail or how many feet it has.
Below is what we think our dinosaur skeletons would look like. Can you guess what the dinosaur looks like?
Focus activity- Phonics Activity
In the morning briefing the children will flick through the sounds already taught including tricky words and then be introduced to the sound 'sh' and the action that goes with it. They will be shown how to form it, articulate the sound and the Jolly phonics story that goes with it. Please login to Education City and play the 'sh' game. See instructions on Reception Home Learning page to find out how to login to Education City.
There are lots of games you can play with these sounds and sounds taught already such as pairs games, hangman, writing on ground grass, sky boards, magnetic letters, eye spy etc.
More games can be found at
and on Espresso which you can login to through the SIMS ID login. Espresso has word and sentence building games as well as some useful videos of how to make the sound. Click on Foundation, then Literacy, Phonics, Scrap’s phonics. Please let the children use the activities found on the right hand side for sounds already taught.
We look forward to seeing your stick dinosaurs. Please send us a photo!
Thursday 14th January
Focus activity- Maths
Dr Beth and Dr Kit were reading a story about Harry and his bucket of dinosaurs. As they were reading it, they got very muddled up because they could not work out how many dinosaurs Harry had in his bucket. Can you help them? To do this task you will need a bucket of your own and some small toys. If you don’t have dinosaurs you could use toy cars, LOL dolls or any toys that will fit into your bucket. Remember to listen carefully and count accurately.
Challenge – after you have worked out how many dinosaurs are in the bucket, can you write a number sentence to record what you did using the +, - and = symbols?
1. It was a bright, sunny day and Harry went into the garden with his bucket of dinosaurs. In his bucket, he had 11 triceratops and 3 pterodactyls. How many dinosaurs were in his bucket? (Answer 11 + 3 = 14)
2. While Harry was digging in his sand pit, he found 4 diplodocuses and he added them into his bucket. How many dinosaurs are in the bucket now? (Answer 15 + 4 = 19)
3. Harry was jumping on the trampoline with his bucket of dinosaurs and 6 dinosaurs came flying out. What is the total number of dinosaurs in the bucket? (Answer 19 – 6 = 13)
4. As Harry climbed out of his trampoline, he tripped on the step and 8 dinosaurs tumbled out of his bucket. How many dinosaurs were left in his bucket? (Answer 13 – 8 = 5)
5. Poor Harry was very upset that he had lost so many of his dinosaurs. Mum came to help him look for them. Mum found 5 dinosaurs and put them into the bucket. Harry found 9 dinosaurs. Did they find all of the missing dinosaurs? (Answer 5 + 5 = 10. 10 + 9 = 19).
Focus activity- Phonics Activity
In the morning briefing the children will flick through the sounds already taught including tricky words. We will continue to work on the 'sh' sound today. Please play this game and complete the attached worksheet activities. You can use the word and pictures for playing pairs etc.
Friday 15th January
Focus activity- Computing
Last week you really enjoyed creating your own games on Purple Mash. Today you are going to use a different feature of Purple Mash to draw pictures.
First, log in to SIMS ID and select Purple Mash.
Next go into the Art section.
Then, select 2Paint APicture.
We want you to create a Simple picture. There is an option to watch a video which explains to you all the features you can use in the Simple picture section.
Your task today is to create a picture of a dinosaur. You can create a picture of your favourite dinosaur. Your picture must have a background. When you have finished your picture we would like you to type your name and the name of dinosaur. When you are typing remember to use the capital letter feature for your name and the name of the dinosaur.
Focus activity- Phonics Activity
In the morning briefing the children will flick through the sounds already taught including tricky words and then be introduced to the two new tricky words for this week which are ‘he’ and ‘she’ please show your child these words written down and on their tricky word bumblebee mat provided in the workshop packs. The actions for ‘he’ is to point to a boy and for 'she' to point to a girl.
The children enjoy coming up with sentences for the new words, playing stations with them where they have to run around the outdoor classroom to find the word and splat the tricky word where they are all laid out and first person to splat the word wins.
There are games relating to tricky words in Education City, found in Subjects- English- F2- activities
or for more of a challenge Subjects- English- Year 1 and activities
There are also several games on Espresso under Scrap's Phonics
Additional activities