We communicate with parents via paper letter, email and text message. As these may be issued at any time it is essential parents and carers check their email inbox and child’s book-bag every day. Copies of letters sent home can also be found on the school website.
Website (www.lyppardgrange.worcs.sch.uk)
The school calendar is updated regularly, as are the class pages in the children’s section, sharing news events and photographs. All letters are available to download from the website and any other information relevant to parents is housed within the Parents’ section of the website. The home page of the website also provides important information regarding emergency alerts or school closures if they arise
To minimise paper correspondence, we increasingly send information to parents and carers by email. It is therefore essential that you provide school with an up-to-date email address.
This is done via Arbor. Please ensure all of your information is up to date regularly.
School Website
Parents are kept regularly informed of new calendar or news events / information and photographs via the homepage of this school website and also within each relevant section of the site. All weekly newsletters are available to download and any other information relevant to parents is also housed within the 'Parents' section of the site. The homepage of this website will also provide important information regarding emergency alerts or school closures if they arise (see the section below).
Text Messaging Service
Parents are encouraged to provide ONE mobile number that can be used by school for our text messaging service. This service is used in cases of school closure due to adverse weather or emergencies where quick communication with parents is necessary. It may also be used from time to time to send other relevant messages to parents eg keeping parents informed regarding children on residential trips.
Emergency Alerts / School Closure
In the event that we make the decision to close the school due to poor weather or other extreme circumstances we will inform the Local Authority and local radio stations. We also post updates on the homepage of this website and send a text message alert (usually only in the event of school closure) to all parents that have requested this service. We do not inform parents when we are staying open.
Parents are urged to listen to the radio and look at the Local Authority website for updates rather than calling school. Telephone calls to school can hamper our efforts to sort out staffing arrangements in difficult circumstances.
Further information is available on the Emergency Alerts/School Closure page.