
Scrolling Announcement Banner

We are now taking bookings for parent tours for our September 2025 intake. Please email for further information. Thank you.

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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Year One

We have provided a range of links to resources for you to use.


We have provided some activities linked to Phonics, Theme, Reading and Maths for your child to complete during your time at home.


Some daily exercise will also keep your body and mind healthy.


Please use your SIMS ID login to access the software the children use in school such as Education City, Espresso and Bug Club using the instructions below.


How to access Education City and other Online Learning Resources

Oak National Academy Year One

BBC Bitesize- Year One

Writing activities

Maths activities

Reading activities

Phonics activities

Health and Wellbeing activities

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