Continuous provision ideas
Very valuable learning opportunities take place through play and in everyday situations. Therefore, as well as the daily tasks we will be setting the children, please encourage your child to do activities such as;
- Count anything! Stairs, socks in the draw, Lego, animals
- What numbers can you find around your house?
- Record, order and compare the numbers they find.
- Find 10 pairs of socks, count them, how many socks do you have together?
- Find 5 different toys, put them in height order
- Encourage language such as taller than, shorter than.
- How many fingers are there in your house? How many toes are there in your house?
- Play board games
- Roll a dice and add the numbers together
- Find different jugs and cups, use these to make different potions.
- Ask the children to describe the capacity of each jug, using language such as full, half full and empty.
- How many star jumps can you do in 30 seconds? Can you beat your record?
- Draw a picture of your family and label it
- Copy a poem in your best handwriting
- Copy the front cover of your favourite book
- Copy part of your favourite story in your best handwriting
- write your own story
- use your toys to act out your favourite story or role play your own story