Bug Club
Well done to those of you who completed your Bug Club book last week. Miss Bevand and Miss Rogers have been impressed to see how many of you logged on, read your book and completed your ‘Bugs’.
You have all been allocated a new book to read this week. Why not see if you can impress your adults by spotting adjectives (describing words) as you are reading?
In maths lessons this week we have been comparing numbers using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols. Please play these games on Education City to consolidate learning.
Education City – Subjects – Maths – Year 2 – Number and Place Value
This coming week children will be learning to spell words that have the prefix -un. A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the start of a word to change its meaning. The prefix -un is added to the beginning of a word without any change to the spelling of the root word e.g. ‘happy’ and changes the meaning of the root word to its opposite e.g 'unhappy'.
Children should practise adding the prefix -un to these root words. Children will take part in a spelling challenge on Friday 2nd October during which they will have to spell ten of these words.
happy lock clip fit safe do wise box kind tie load cut cover pack fair afraid pin