All applications are to be completed online at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions The deadline date can be found in the 'VMAT LGPS Admissions & Appeals Timetable' available to download below, or from the School Admissions website referred to in the previous link. After the deadline date, all notifications of school places will be co-ordinated by Worcestershire County Council's Pupil Admissions department.
All appeals to EYFS notifications of places must be made in writing directly to our school no later than 20 school days from the school offer notification date. Appeals should be sent to:
The School Admissions Officer
The Lyppard Grange Primary School, Ankerage Green, Worcester, WR4 0DZ
or by email to: office@lyppardgrange.worcs.sch.uk
IN-YEAR (Years 1-6) Transfers
As from 1st June 2020 In-Year (Years 1-6 Transfers) are coordinated by school admissions. Please follow the following link to submit all applications:
Lyppard Grange Primary School ensures that every application is given fair consideration and parents understand the criteria, which the Governors, Trust Members and Local Authority adhere to. Full details can be found in the current 'Information for Parents - Admissions and Transfers to Schools' booklet issued by Worcestershire County Council. Copies are available from the Pupils and Admissions Office or online at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions.