Today we are going to continue to learn how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. Join us at 9am where we will look at this together. Then watch the video (improper fractions to mixed numbers) using the link below to support you and complete the activity at your relevant level.
Reading: Bug Club
Log on to Bug Club and read the books that have been assigned to your level.
These books will be yours to read for the rest of the week.
Gold: An Awfully Beastly Business: Saving a Sea Monster
Silver: Coming Home
Bronze: Mountain Tales of Norway
Bronze 2: Dino-soaring
This week we have a new set of spelling words. Today you need to practise your spellings using a drawing to help you.
Number Magic
You need to complete your relevant level for Number Magic. If you want to challenge yourself, try completing the next level instead.
You will remember before Christmas we were having violin lessons every week. Your violin teacher has kindly set up some activities for you to complete on Charanga. We have attached some log in instructions below for this.
Class Novel