Sounds and Syllables
Each week we are going to give you a five words from the Year 3/4 Statutory Spelling list, this is a list of spellings that you need to be able to spell accurately by the time you leave Year 4.
We need you to use your Sounds and Syllables techniques to Say the Word, Snip into syllables, Say the sounds and draw the sound lines and then check your spellings. As this will help you learn them.
Each week some spellings from the previous week will appear to ensure that you keep practising them, we have not made a mistake we are asking you to over learn words that you have already seen before.
We have included a Technique bookmark to remind you what to do and also a separate answer sheet for parents so that they can support you.
Please spend between 5 and 10 minutes every day having a go at this.
English Homework - Hand in date 29th November
This week we have been thinking about how authors try to show not tell their readers how a character is feeling. Look through the example sheet first as this will help to remind you what show not tell means. Then create some show not tell sentences using the prompt sheet. You don't need to print it out - you can write the sentences into your homework book.
Please remember to present your work well and to use punctuation.