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Dear Year 2,


Welcome to Maths Week 6, where this week, we will be continuing the work on shape which we started last week. Similarly to last week, we have included the links to some online lessons and games for you to have a go at before completing your tasks.


Number Magic and Practical Activity

Day 1

Today, we are recapping the work that we did in school on making patterns with 2D shapes. Follow the link to the Oak National Academy online lesson, where you will find some activities and a video which may help you. You don’t need to complete all of this if you feel you don’t need to, but it might help to refresh your memories. Go to Lesson 6 ‘To describe and create shape patterns’.


You may also find these games fun and helpful:

Shape Patterns


Grover’s Winter Games


Education City

Need for Bead 


What Comes Next?

Days 2 & 3

Over the next two days we are recapping counting faces, vertices and edges on 3D shapes. You should already be able to recognise and name some 3D shapes, but if you need a little reminder, here is a link to a catchy song. There is also a 3D shape word mat at the end of this section, which has the pictures and names of some common 3D shapes.


BBC Bitesize Song


Once you can confidently recognise and name 3D shapes, have a look at these online lessons and activities which cover properties of 3D shapes. You don’t need to complete all of these! Dip in and out with whatever you find useful.


Oak National Academy Online Lesson – Go to Lesson 4 ‘Name and Describe 3D Shapes’


BBC Bitesize video and activities


You may also find these games useful:


Shifting Shapes

Select ‘3D Shapes’ and change the size of the torch if you need to. Can you work out what the shapes are?


Spinning Shapes – Education City

Day 4

Today we are focussing on sorting 3D shapes. This is very similar to the work you did last week on sorting 2D shapes, but this time the shapes are 3D!


This game will provide some useful extra practice. Some of the shapes used are quite tricky and we may not have mentioned them before, but it will be a good challenge for you and a chance to learn some new shapes! You can choose your own categories for your Venn Diagram and the game can give you a little help with a shape’s properties if you’re not sure.


3D Shapes on a Venn Diagram


Day 5

Today’s maths tasks are all to do with making patterns out of 3D shapes. This is very similar to the work you did on Monday, when you made patterns using 2D shapes.


As there are no online activities or games for you to play linked to your task today, instead we would like you all to login to Times Tables Rockstars and practise your times tables!

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