Happy Friday!
Please find attached your homework for this week. It will ask you to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000. Remember to use the skills that we have learnt in class. Use a place value chart if it helps. Read the key learning box with your parents to remind you about how to complete these type of questions.
Please read for 20 minutes a day. Remember to practise reading aloud using expression and intonation as well as finding time to read to yourself. Feel free to discuss your reading with your families: What have you enjoyed about your reading? What have you not enjoyed? Could you summarise your reading? Are there any new or unfamiliar words that you have come across? What do they mean?
Another tournament is underway with both classes finding their competitive nature. Again, we would ask you to spend 20 minutes a day on TTRS. We have noticed that the children who use it regularly are improving in their multiplication tables knowledge significantly. It is great to see you feeling so confident with your times table facts. Many of you are becoming fluent in them now (that means you can recall your times tables facts quickly).
Congratulations to 5RJ for their 2nd win of the half term! It was yet again another close competition with both classes striving to earn the most coins.