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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Friday 29th January

It's Friday! 

Well done Year 2, you've completed another week of home learning! 

Rocksteady Live Lesson 

It’s that time of the week again! Click on the link below at 1:30pm today and join in with the Feel Good Friday music! Enjoy!



Today is leaflet writing day! We would like you to write up your leaflet in neat and illustrate it with beautiful pictures.


We have uploaded a template for you to use if you wish. Miss Bevand will show you how the leaflet template comes together in this morning's Teams meeting. 


We have also uploaded success criteria for you to keep to hand whilst writing. Use this to make sure that you are including the features we have been discussing this week. If you find something that you could improve in your draft, edit it before writing it up in neat.  


Today is a practical maths activity. We are going to be recapping odd and even numbers.



  • Even numbers end in a 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.
  • Odd numbers end in a 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.


We would like you to go on a number hunt! You can choose between going round your house, garden or on a walk in your local area. Whilst on your hunt, count things that you spot. For example, in your house you could count how many windows, doors, books, toothbrushes, pencils and chocolate bars there are. Once you have a total of that item, decide whether it is an odd or even number and put it into the correct place in the table.


Once you have completed your odd and even number hunt, you can choose to complete this optional challenge.

Number Magic  

Here is today’s number magic. For today’s warm up we would like you to spend some time on Times Tables Rock Stars.


Today is P.E day! Today we would like to do some Zumba! Follow the link to the ‘I like to move it’ and follow the routine. There are some other Zumba videos on that You Tube channel that you can choose from too.


Today we would like you to spend some time reading for pleasure, as this is so important. Choose your favourite book, comics, magazines etc. and just enjoy reading it. Don’t forget you can use Bug Club to find great books too. You can choose between reading by yourself or if you’d prefer, you could share your book with someone and let them enjoy it too.



It's Friday today, which means... GOLDEN TIME!

Take out some time out of your learning day to spend at least 30 minutes doing something you love. This could be reading a book, playing a game, playing with your favourite toy, spending time with your family, going for a walk, playing with your pet, spending some time outside, etc.

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