Here is your Number Magic for the week - happy calculating
This week, your maths challenges are all based around music and dance. Your first task needs you to put to use your knowledge of musical notation in order to solve some calculations (don't worry there is a table to help you in case you have forgotten how many beats each note is worth!)
Your next two challenges put your algebraic brains into action when creating different rhythms; I had great fun creating sequences on 2Beat and 2Sequence for you to work with. Once you have cracked these problems, have a go on these which you will find in Purple Mash (through your SIMS ID log in).
For the last two days of this week, you will be using your knowledge of position and direction. Day 4 challenges will help you to refresh your skills, as well as playing these games on Education CIty:
Your task on Day 5 requires you to choreograph a dance routine. Although she's not Britain's Got Talent worthy just yet (and she is more interested in getting the treat out of Mrs Groves' hand than dancing!), here's Oswin to show her moves which are linked to your task.