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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Autumn 1 - A Mystery in Fairy Tale Land

Autumn 1 - A Mystery in Fairy Tale Land

At the start of the year, the children were very excited to discover a crime scene in the Year 2 area. It seems that someone had stolen the contents of a package. We found lots of mysterious clues including fur, a red cloak, some porridge oats, a wooden spoon, fingerprints and even giant footprints! The children have been working hard to explore the evidence, helping out the Fairy Tale police with their enquiries to solve the case of the missing parcel. 


The children have been learning about the different techniques that they can use with clay, such as creating a slip which helps to join the clay. We have created our very own fairy tale characters out of clay! 


In our English lessons we have been looking at lots of different fairy tales. We have been learning about adjectives, verbs, nouns and expanded noun phrases! We ordered the story of the Gingerbread man and labelled it with the verbs and nouns that we could remember from the traditional tale.  

Forest School

Our forest school sessions take place every Wednesday, either in the mornings or in the afternoon. This term, we have been focussing on fairy tales in forest school as well! The children made their own clay by using flour, water and mud. They then used this clay and various other natural materials which they had collected to create their own wanted posters for the 'Big Bad Wolf'. 



We have begun learning about place value in maths and have been discovering the different concrete resources that we can use to show how many tens and ones are in a number. The children are becoming increasingly confident to do this independently.


We have been developing our skills as scientists so far this term through different investigations. We have helped Cinderella to work out which towel would be the most absorbent so that she could help to clean up and get the ball on time. The children have also conducted another experiment by finding out which material would be the strongest to make a house for the three little pigs. We built a house from sticks, one from paper straws and another from plastic bricks. Then we used a hairdryer as our 'Big Bad Wolf' to blow the houses down and see how strong the materials were.

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