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The Lyppard Grange Primary School Empowering children to be secure, engaged and equipped for life.

Friday 13th October 2023

We have had another very busy week in Year 5. The children have finished their persuasive adverts describing their delicious Greek dishes and we have moved on to writing persuasive letters from the perspective of either Pandora or her husband Epimetheus.  Both trying to persuade the other to either open or not open the 'box'.  Children have also been creating symbols that represent the Greek gods and goddesses in computing lessons using vectors on Google Draw.  In Maths we have been learning about multiples and factors and we shall be moving on to prime, square and cube numbers next week.  It is therefore extra important that children are practising their timestables on TT Rock Stars as this will help them with this new learning.


Reading: Children should be reading of at least 20 minutes every day and recording their activity in their reading journals.  Reading journals and reading books should be brought into school every day.


Maths Challenge: Children should be practising their allocated times tables on TT Rock Stars for at least 30 minutes a week.  It was a close score again this week , but congratulations to Mrs Johnson's class for their first win of the year!

SPaG homework 

This week children have been learning about subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.  For homework they should complete one of the tasks attached.

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