Our learning this terms centres around the theme of "A Mystery in Fairy Tale Land." When we returned to school in January, Cinderella asked us to keep her tiara safe for she feared it was in danger. We were excited to be able to look after her precious tiara however on one dark winter's evening, the tiara was taken by an unknown thief. We wrote statements and questions about the tiara at once in order to discover more about it.
Luckily, we caught it all on CCTV and the Fairy Tale Police Department (FTPD) have enlisted us as their Junior Police Detectives to get to the bottom of the tiara thief mystery.
Throughout our learning this term we will be becoming familiar with a range of fairy tales - some classic ones and some with a twist. We will then use our knowledge of fairy tales and their characters to plan our own fairy tales.
Building on our autumn term knowledge of place value, counting and number lines, we will be looking at multiplication and division at the start of this new term. We will be exploring arrays by building our own ones and considering what our arrays show us. We will be working with others to create maths stories based on our arrays and will be thinking carefully about how repeated addition relates to multiplication.
Forest School
In forest school, we have found clues related to the tiara thief suspect. Some of our findings include baked beans, glitter, letters of the alphabet and different sized footprints, which leads us to believe there might be more than one suspect that we need to findo= out more about.